Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Love this boy. 
Love this grin!

Game on!

Celebrating Aunty Critter's birthday with some Jake art.

Thanks for sharing, Zen!

Making cookies again!  Yum!

Group shot!

Prepping for Christmas!

December fun

It's such a huge blessing to have "Gama" with us for so long1

Eleanor's Christmas Cookie Party...
Tatum, Taylor Scott, Quinn, Eleanor, Taylor Flagg & Caitlin

Sampling the goodies!

Best school buddies!

Tatum & Q with their parting sugar...I mean gifts!

Jake's adventures with Gingy. (Adventure #1)

Adventure #2--Church!

Q's new favorite game...wrap me like a present and open me on Christmas.

Helping Gama make cinnamon rolls.  YUM!

A visit from Georgia Ann

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Feeling extremely blessed on a day meant to celebrate blessings.
My God is an amazing gift giver.
We enjoyed a bountiful meal with dear friends.
Here are a couple of snapshots of our six hour meal...
Grandma created a tasty fruit pizza to enhance the appetizer portion of our feast.

Dear friends!

Love you, Steph!

Each child colored a place mat that was later deemed to valuable to spill food on.

Blessed to have such a loving husband!



Time for dessert!

Stone Mountain excursion

Blogging has taken a back burner this year.  Partially because my voice was a bit damaged by a vitriolic individual.  Partially because life has been extremely busy.  This week break has been a huge blessing.  Restful.  Relaxing.  Quality time with family.  I flew into Branson and spent the night with Mom before our 11 hour road trip to Atlanta (broken up into two days.)  The flight was lovely, if but a little bumpy due to a storm.  I read a book.  A WHOLE book.  In a day.  Without interruptions.  And I slept without interruption.  It was a welcome break.  (I do not mind these interruptions; however, after nearly a week of being up with a croupy girl, it was nice to have a full night's sleep!)  Daddy took great care of Jake and Quinn.  (Ate out every meal, including breakfast at Subway.)  Came home to a clean house and happy family.  I especially loved how close Quinn kept to me for the first 24 hours back.  She missed me!  :  )  And so, these pictures are a couple of weeks overdue, but the Thanksgiving pictures are close to real time!  Thanks for checking in, dear reader.  The Johnsons are doing well.
Love her need to climb up rocks and play "Queen of the Mountain."
Wonder where she got that trait from...

Jake and Quinn, I love that you love each other so much!

It's a COLD day.  We were a little shocked...kept expecting the sun to break through but it didn't happen.

Love you two SO much!

Love Daddy, too!

One of Quinn's favorite games is to play "Sleeping Beauty."
She'll lay down on a flat surface and await her prince to come kiss her awake.
It is hard for a little girl to be so still as she waits "true love's kiss."

I'm in a good place right now.

Fall in the South is BEAUTIFUL!