Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Love this boy. 
Love this grin!

Game on!

Celebrating Aunty Critter's birthday with some Jake art.

Thanks for sharing, Zen!

Making cookies again!  Yum!

Group shot!

Prepping for Christmas!

December fun

It's such a huge blessing to have "Gama" with us for so long1

Eleanor's Christmas Cookie Party...
Tatum, Taylor Scott, Quinn, Eleanor, Taylor Flagg & Caitlin

Sampling the goodies!

Best school buddies!

Tatum & Q with their parting sugar...I mean gifts!

Jake's adventures with Gingy. (Adventure #1)

Adventure #2--Church!

Q's new favorite game...wrap me like a present and open me on Christmas.

Helping Gama make cinnamon rolls.  YUM!

A visit from Georgia Ann