Sunday, December 30, 2012

Early Christmas

Our neighbor and friend Tammy has become a surrogate aunty to Jake and Quinn.
She is an AMAZING gift is definitely one of her spiritual gifts. 
We love her so much!  
She showered Jake and Quinn with a couple of presents and thus they were thrilled to open some gifts early.  
As for me, I'm running a bit behind this year.  (See...I'm blogging December a day before January!)
So our gift to Tammy and Troy will likely come in the new year.  I've a thought in mind, now I need to put it into action! :  )  Thanks, Tammy and Troy for making us feel so special!  Love you!

Quinn wanted to sleep in her baby bjorn that night!

Jake is utilizing his Falcons hat at the game today!  
The addition and subtraction cards have been great practice. 

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