Saturday, July 27, 2013

A letter to Quinn

Sweet Girl,

It is rare that we have a whole day unto ourselves and so today was an unexpected delight.  While we headed one direction, the boys traveled another.  Our first adventure began with Ella's birthday party at a local stable.  The ponies riveted you and after your ride, you were reluctant to dismount!  After bouncing with your school friends and feasting on party fare, we closed the fiesta down.  An older gentleman commenced his riding just as the party wrapped up and you begged to stay so I perched you on a fence and he led his horse Cheyenne over for a long visit.  There's something about you that people notice.  Quinn, God gifted you with a zest for life that is infectious!  You have a joyful gravitational pull.  Perhaps this is why Mr. George delayed his ride and allowed us to stroke the appaloosa's velvety nose and play with his mane.  He patiently answered your questions and then enjoyed a small audience of two as he led Cheyenne through his paces.  We talked about the different gaits and you waited patiently to see man and horse jump the course YOU had jumped earlier pretending to be a horse.  An hour after the party ended I finally enticed you away with promises of visiting the toy store.  (A perfect opportunity to shop for your brother's upcoming birthday since he and daddy were away.)  We passed another hour playing at Learning Express and the Target toy aisle.  Though already tired neither of us could resist a trip to the pool as our summer days are quickly dwindling!  Your swimming skills have vastly improved since the start of the summer and it is fun to see people watch you in wonder.  EVERY time we swim together someone engages us with queries of your age and the surprise on faces is entertaining to behold.  You are so in your element in the water!  Eyes open wide in wonder, you emerge from the water with a constant grin.  You leap, laugh, dive, somersault, plunge, flip, flop, climb and swim your way through safety break.  We dined in the cafe, a luxury and headed home for a movie.  In my fatigue I'm merely capturing the whats of our day and floundering with an accurate description of the pure joy I have of being your earthly steward.  I'm amazed to be your mom, delightful girl.  You bring me so much joy, pride and love.  It is an HONOR to know you.  Forever seared in my memory is a running internal video of your contagious grin and open eyes a foot below the water and bursting to the surface with one word:  "AGAIN!"  I love you SO much!  Mommy.

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