Saturday, August 24, 2013

Touch a Truck 2013

Styling in a limo...

Playing "suitcase" in the Mega Bus

Great views up here!  

Sweet old Ford

Happy chance encounter with a classmate!

I think we've found our big Christmas present for the kids...

"Before" picture.  Time for a haircut!


I love this stage of Jake's life.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Jake's 6th birthday

Grandma gifted Jake with a kit he's been eyeing for nearly a year!

While Jake assembled his Lego piece, Quinn built a castle with Daddy.
It's like 6 a.m. so forgive the crazy hair. 

A gift from KJ and BJ...

Can you tell how excited he is about this one?  How did they know?  :  )

But first he needed to finish the assembly of this one!  Wah-la!

We invited four of Jake's friends to see a matinee of Disney Pixar's Plane's movie.

Beautiful Abigail!


Daddy assembled the cake!

A frenzy of gifts.  (When does it become a calm affair?)

Hard at work.

We built this one together and laughed a lot.
It was challenging...all those black odd shaped pieces. 
I will cherish this memory forever, Jake!
Wonder how long it will stay in one piece?

Sweet Q

Quinn, I love that you have your own sense of fashion.  It doesn't really matter that fairy wings aren't that practical for a hike, or that your shirt is backwards.  You are an independent spirit. 

We were delighted by a copious amount of tiny frogs near the pond. 

1 more

I should add it's the start of MY school year, too!  Another year of 8th grade Language Arts!

First day of 2013-2014 school year

Jake started 1st grade with Mrs. Harrison and Quinn graduated into the "Busy Bees" with Ms. Jill!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Farm House in the City

Q and I helped Caroline celebrate her 3rd birthday.  What a charming fiesta!
Bunny love

penguin painting

Chason, Kimmie, Kelly & me...catching up with friends

Happy birthday, sweet girl!  

Last days of summer...

Jake received a return letter from his new pen pal Lauren.  He was so excited.  I was thrilled that he deciphered the letter himself!  Wonder if this is going to lead to a long relationship!  :  )

Quinn and Jake received their first passports well in time for Uncle Michael's wedding! As you can see, she is SUPER excited.