Sunday, August 11, 2013

Jake's 6th birthday

Grandma gifted Jake with a kit he's been eyeing for nearly a year!

While Jake assembled his Lego piece, Quinn built a castle with Daddy.
It's like 6 a.m. so forgive the crazy hair. 

A gift from KJ and BJ...

Can you tell how excited he is about this one?  How did they know?  :  )

But first he needed to finish the assembly of this one!  Wah-la!

We invited four of Jake's friends to see a matinee of Disney Pixar's Plane's movie.

Beautiful Abigail!


Daddy assembled the cake!

A frenzy of gifts.  (When does it become a calm affair?)

Hard at work.

We built this one together and laughed a lot.
It was challenging...all those black odd shaped pieces. 
I will cherish this memory forever, Jake!
Wonder how long it will stay in one piece?

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