Saturday, September 21, 2013


Fortunately, laws are a little more lax on the island.
Looks like a clown car!  

Some folks have good stories to share upon their return...
Jason dropped his driver's license in the shark tank and needed professional help to retrieve it!
Justin Kramer got bit by a moray eel and now sports a small scar.

Other stories, not as happy...
Emily got stung by fire coral.
I got stunk by peeka peeka (is that how you spell it, Zion?)
Our car got booted.  
(Guess I should have taken more time to understand the parking lot rules.)

But most ills were solved by a icy fruity beverage, shake or smoothie.

Can you tell that Q is excited to feed the rays? 

Loving the touch tank.  Right up Aunty Critter's alley!

Sea slug!


Maybe next time their hands will be bigger than the sea star!

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