Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

We had a great night tonight!  It was fun to march around the neighborhood in mass.  Most of us were part of the parade and so bowls of candy greeted us at the doors.  It's an amazing thing to see the growth, both in size and numbers, of children in our 'hood.  We trekked down to Westridge where Quinn was delighted to run into several of her classmates!  Who knew we lived so close!  Playdates will be all the easier!

Darth Vader and Cinderella.
(Thanks, Grandma!)

Love the orange toes peeking out of "glass" slippers.

Emma (Sophia) Quinn (Cinderella) Caroline (Snow White)

Georgia (Cinderella) and Chad (Rasta Man)

Jake and AJ

Trick or treat!

And, oh!  the bounty! 

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