Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mommy School update maybe I was a little ambitious!  In order to survive and ENJOY our summer school experience I've had to adapt our curriculum. A lot.  Though the first day went GREAT (the novelty was still there) reading the five books took nearly an hour.  Since I want him to LOVE reading, we've parred that down to 1-2 books that he reads to me, practice 1st grade sight words and me read them 5-10 books, depending on the size.  He's still blazing through a math app on my iPad, but we are practicing penmanship.  He can choose to write a journal entry or practice letters and numbers on a dry erase board.  This is much more manageable for us all.  Quinn's wanted to get in on the action and so she has a set of alphabet cards we've been using.

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